Welcome, welcome, and thrice, welcome, to Utter Fuckery. I don't suppose much more explanation is needed. This is a blog, of things which I believe, fall into the category of utter fuckery.

They may be things related to my life, popular culture, politics, and on and on, and ariston.

Things you should know - I am prone to swearing, if you didn't get that from the blog title, I despair, and actively discourage you from reading any further.

Friday 30 December 2011

2011... Thank you and fuck you.

Well, it's that time of year, we all roll out the cliches, yeah, next year is going to be the best ever! Woooo let's all high five. What if it isn't though? What if, completely out of your control, your whole world cataclysmicly implodes? How do you get over that? No really, how? 2011 has been the worst year for me, ever. Believe me, there have been a few contenders. The difference between those years and this, is, that when things went wrong before, I was instrumental to that, I made the wrong choices, I fucked up, I learnt from it.

In February, I nearly lost my sister, after a long hospital battle, she is fine, and it's amazing that she's still here, but it doesn't take away the horrendous moment when a doctor tells you that he's basically fighting to keep alive someone you'd been talking to less than an hour before. That's something I shall never get over, ever. However, she's alive, she's doing well, and I'm grateful.

I've also lost my best friend 5 weeks ago, and that's something I know I won't recover from. The pain and the anger that I feel can not be put into words, nor can the huge hole in my life that's been left. The regrets, and guilt I feel will stay with me. There is nothing anyone can say that will change the way I currently feel.

I know in time, that the cliches that people keep saying to me will actually become reality, but at the moment, thats all they are, cliches.

Thats not to say this year has been all bad, it's had its good parts too, it's just that I am finding it difficult to focus on them at the moment. However, I know that I can not continue moping, and that the new year is a new start, where I shall attempt to be me again, and actually live my life rather than just exist. I know that the only person that can make me feel better is me.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Merry Fucking Christmas

Apologies once again for the fuckery hiatus (for those of you that actually give a fuck) one of my closest friends passed away 3 weeks ago, and to say I am devastated doesn't even come close.

However, I shall endevour to blog more next year, what a little treat that will be for one and all.... if I have any readers left by then....

Until then, I shall leave you with this....


Friday 18 November 2011

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...

Rebecca Black you little.. no, must not call a child a bitch.. ok, Rebecca Blacks mother, you little bitch, why oh why did you ever let your daughter record a song? It's stuck in my head and will not go away! If you're reading this, and know the song, I hope it sticks with you for the day too. I don't see why I should be alone in my plight. I suppose it could be worse, I was singing the Fireman Sam theme tune the other day, obviously, because you can not ignore, Sam is the hero next door.

Anyway.... moving swiftly on, Sepp Blatter is a prick isn't he! And fairly obviously corrupt - can't they just get rid of him? Stupid little man.

Back on the driving thing again, and I apologise, but there are so many driving related things that wind me up, today, it's crawler lanes. Not the lane itself, but the people that can not use them. Don't drive up the right hand lane at a snails pace and expect me not to beep and gesticulate at you, just move in and get out my fucking way! You could tell me I sound like an aggressive driver, and of course I would stick 2 fingers up and tell you to fuck off.. Aggressive? Me? Never.

Have you watched Eastenders recently? I did it last night. 30 minutes of my life I will never get back. I am pretty sure it was the same episode as last time I watched it.. Kat cheated on Alfie, gave the dirty girl speech. All very sad. Janine had an argument with Fat Pat, told Pat she felt she'd never been loved. All very sad. Phil Mitchell did some crimes. Feels remorseful, all very sad. Michael Moon is a mixed up wee child. All very sad. Recurring theme here? Why do people watch this tripe? Why do we pay for this tripe? Can it and give me an extra series of Frozen Planet. Eastenders will just never be a patch on Corrie.

And lastly... did you get excited yesterday by the launch of Versace for H&M? If you did, please explain to me, why? Now I am no fashionista, I know what looks good on me, and I tend to stick to it. I do know however, when a collection is full of crap. To me, that's exactly what this was. A massive ploy to rip off desperate consumers, whilst making them look like complete idiotic sheep. Seriously, if tacky is your thing, get down to your local indoor market, there are plenty of stalls that will give you a very similar look for a fraction of the price. Just because something is pricey, does not automatically mean it looks good. Don't get me wrong, I am sure there are one or two items which are alright, but I for one can not get excited about it. I was watching LK today (or whatever it's called now) on Wednesday, and Lorraine and Mark Heyes were practically orgasming over a black Versace dress. It was a joke. Go purchase yourself a regular black shift dress, next visit the haberdashers for some oversize gold buttons, sew them to previously purchased shift dress - job done, the same look for a fraction of the price. I couldn't view the whole collection as the H&M site was down for most of the day, but I did come across this little beauty.

If you see any man wearing this ensemble, I implore you to point and laugh. If he looks too offended, just go and shake his hand. If it works for Sepp Blatter.......

Wednesday 16 November 2011

What's getting on my tits this week....

Hello fuckery fans, what can I say? I am a bad blogger! None of this 3 blogs a day lark plus 90 tweets a day to tell you about it from me!

Quality, not quantity. Or, in this case, neither, just neurotic rambling from moi!

Well, you’re here now, you might as well find out whats been annoying me this week.

Numero uno! Drivers with their fog lights on when its not fucking foggy! A light drizzle of rain should not impede your vision whilst driving. If it does, may I suggest you rescind your driving license and get on a fucking bus instead.

2. Christmas countdowns. Highly unnecessary, utterly annoying, just shut the fuck up. We all know when Christmas is, it’s the same date every year regardless. Always has been, more than likely always will be. For those that do struggle, there’s even an advent calendar to help you countdown the days. I know people get excited about it, me too, I freaking love Christmas, but, I love Christmas on Christmas day, not any other day, I don’t spend months getting excited about it, and I’d really like others to stop to. Talk to me in December. Oh, and put your decorations up before 1st December?? I will never speak to you again, because frankly, you are an idiot.

3. Derby City Council. What a bunch of complete and utter cockends. Derby City Council are strapped for cash. So strapped for cash that they are culling services for those that need them desperately, disabled people, the elderly etc. Closing day centres, care homes, respite facilities, basically, taking away services from those that really need it, and unlike lazy dole-ite bastards, actually do rely on council funding. Nice to know then, in this darkened period of austerity, that we are paying for some lovely plush new offices for the cockends, from our council tax. Also nice to know, that’s we are all paying for Gareth Gates to switch on our Christmas lights this year. Gareth fucking Gates!?? Whoever came up with this idea, you are a complete moron. Why the fuck does anyone want to see a reject from a talent show 10 years ago switch the lights on?? I’d love to know how much we’re wasting on that!

And lastly, soggy lettuce in sandwiches. It’s just fucking unnecessary. M&S if you can’t keep it crisp and fresh, get it the fuck out of your sandwiches.

So, that’s not bad really, only 4 things that got on my tits enough for me to rant.

Ciao bellas

Wednesday 2 November 2011

They were married for how long...

Hello fuckerists

I decided that as Kylie has her ‘lovers’, Gaga has her ‘monsters’, Nicole Sherblabla has ‘killers’ and Rihanna has a ‘Navy’, I deserve a name for my (non-existent) band of followers. HELLO FUCKERISTS… kinda catchy don’t you think?? Obvs if it’s good enough for world famous popstars, it’s good enough for me. No? Oh well, tough, it’s staying.

So, everyone is talking about Kim Kardishitwat and her 72 days ‘marriage’… why? Who is she? What does she do? Sweet tit all from what I can see, I think I caught 30 seconds of that Kardashitwat show once. That was enough. I’ve had more interesting catnaps. It just further highlights this celeb culture we live in, where people of no discernible talent are worshipped, and to be honest, I really can’t work out why. Tamara Ecclestone is the next rich twat about to be given a TV show. Why?? Really, why? If you know the answer, or know someone else that does, please let me know. I couldn’t give a fuck about some little rich girl who has never had a care in her life about anything. It’s great that her father made his millions in F1 or whatever, but she hasn’t gone anything, so Tamara, fuck off.

I had been meaning to write about X Factor too.. but the only thing that comes to mind is ‘what a sack of shit’. It’s just really not very good is it. I mean, there isn’t anyone on it that screams talent… mind you, when was the last time there was? Louis’s category is just a joke. Johnny is a nice guy, and I’m sure there is a future for him in PA’s at gay clubs, but I can not see it going further than that. As for Kitty, words fail me – James Harries long lost sister??? It’s all in the eyes! Surely anyone watching Katie Weasel last year would realise that that brooding intense ‘this is my life’ shit does nothing for the great British public. Bring back Darius Danesh, because I can still feel the love in the room.

Lastly, it’s been announced today that Hugh Grant has spawned. All that hoo haa about privacy laws making sense now? Thought so.

Until next time fuck fans.


Wednesday 26 October 2011

Fuckery hiatus....

Unfortunately, there are a few fuckery issues occurring in my life at the moment, and every time I go to write, these things come to the forefront of my mind. They're not issues I can blog about, so until I get over them, I'll be keeping schtum - or Schaumburg, which is what my iPhone would like me to write. The hiatus will probably end soon, whether that's a good or bad thing remains to be seen.


P.s What is Schaumburg??!

Friday 14 October 2011

A whole week of fuckery.

Hello. I've been ill. Not seriously ill, but enough to make me feel incredibly sorry for myself and wallowsome. That doesn't mean I want pity or concern from anybody else though. When I speak like a cross between an alsatian and Deirdre Barlow, looking at me an saying 'aw' or expressing any form of sympathy may well result in a punch in the face. Just so you know, for next time. Anyway, my dulcet un-Mariella Frostrup-esque tones are back to normal now. Which is nice, because it means I wont have people ringing me up just to tell me how husky and sexy I sound. I shit you not, and of course, one of these people was the cretin from my creepy colleague blog which can be found here

Friday 7 October 2011

Help Harry Help Others...

I can not do my regular ranty thing today, my thoughts are consumed by Harry Moseley.
If you don't know, he is a wee boy, aged 11, with an inoperable brain tumour. Harry set up his own business, selling bracelets, to make money for cancer research. Such a completely selfless act, in the face of adversity, this strong young man thought only of helping others in his position. Harry has made his final journey home, to spend his last days with his family this morning. The last tweet from his mum said he was still going strong. What a brave brave little soldier. If you read this, please take a minute to read www.twitter.com/harry_moseley and then look at his website, www.helpharryhelpothers.com please give, even just £2 to help Harry, and others like him, whose lives are being taken far too soon. Keep fighting Harry, I have every faith in you kid. xxx

Monday 3 October 2011

Zeleb red carpet 'fashion'.....

I've just been scanning the red carpet pics from the Pride of Britain awards tonight, by jove there are some horrors. There were a few frights to be seen at the soap awards last week too.. Here are my pick of the worst. I'm lifting these pics directly from the Daily Fail... dunno if thats allowed... time will tell!!

First up.... the reason I am writing this blog tonight... AMY CHILDS. Lets just take a minute to observe...

Any words? Anyone? No? Shall we start with what the fuck? Again Ms Childs has decided to hang the dress off of her tatas, has she not realised yet that this is a terrible look?? Get that dress hoiked up love. Perhaps she needs to display her tatas to detract from the horrific cut and colour of the dress. Now, what the hell is going on with her face? It's as if shes put loose powder under her eyes to catch shadow, then forgot to remove it, she looks caspars long lost eyebag twin. The rest of her obviously can not be compared to Caspar, permatan Ronseal Mahogany as stantard. Lastly, the eyes, dead as usual... In short, she looks fucking awful. (Don't worry, not all the comments will be this long).


There is literally nothing that can be said about the hair. It is what it is. (thats bloody awful btw). Oh Bronagh, your not a big girl, but you do not dress well. Bum cleavage is never a good look. NEVER. Lift, and seperate... try it! Shiny tights? Really?? Surely its about time they banned these from sale apart from in profressional dance shops... if you are not appearing on Strictly, you should not be wearing them.


Carly love, the 90's called, they want their clothes back. The dip died hair may have just about been pulled off, if it wasnt in that dreadful style, and the dress? Really!?! Maybe Carly has magic mirrors in her house...


They must have really pissed off thier stylists - Andrea, you are not at the Oscars. Denise, cover up your potato knees. Lisa, I am confused... you appear to be wearing a young boys PE shorts... and it does not look good.


In the same way that no-one wants to see Denise Welchs knees, no-one wants to see your saggy tatas Hilary, at your age, you really should have some decorum.


Who invited Lil Kim to the soap awards!?!?!

UNA SATURDAY (Of course that's her real surname)

Just goes to show you, black satin looks good on no-one! Another thing that should be banned.

The unfortunate thing is, that all of the above could look stunning, in the right ensemble, with the right hair and make-up, so how do they all get it so wrong?? Fuckery club of rogue stylists? I'd put money on it....

And finally...


Yeah, so nothing wrong with what he is wearing, nothing at all! He's just a fine specimen of a man, and I thought it would be a nice end to this post!

Saturday 1 October 2011

Welfare State Fuckery and looking like a twat... again.

I started writing this particular post about 5 days ago.. distractions of a social life, a broken laptop, and the fact that I know as I am writing I am ranting uncontrollably have hindered me somewhat. Broken laptop, haha, there's some fuckery if ever there was. One night last week, my laptop announced with a crackle and pop that it no longer wanted to play, and died. I switched it back on, the same thing happened. Went for a 3rd attempt, same result. I didn't want to break her any further, so I placed her in a soft warm dry place to keep her safe until I could go and see the man in the know. Yesterday was that day. Took the laptop in, explained the story, with slight colouration of the cheeks, as this chap already has another one of my laptops, which he is trying to source a replacement keyboard for (how was I to know she wouldn't enjoy being doused in wine as much as I do!?!) So without further ado, he opens her up, switches her on, and we wait..... and we wait..... so what exactly seems to be the problem?? She works!!! It's like the second coming of Christ! For me anyway! Of course, now I look like a complete and utter fucknut in a shop full of people, taking something in for repair which clearly works! One day, I will get through a full 24 hours without making a twat of myself.

So Ed Miliband spoke to the nation this week, told us that Britain was ‘rewarding the wrong people with the wrong values’. In a nutshell, yes, and who started this fuckery? That’s right, Ed’s band of merry men, admittedly they were following a different piper at the time. I really dislike the Britain that we live in today, it makes me really sad to see so many children growing up with the same mentalities that their parents have instilled into them. There are far too many families in this country sponging off the state, soaking up our taxes, and for what? A flatscreen TV and endless re-runs of Jeremy Kyle? Yes, you dole bludgers, I am angry with you, and angry with whoever made you think that its acceptable to just do nothing with your life other than pop out children like a fucking machine gun. I do appreciate that benefits are in a lot of cases, necessary, and that there are genuinely times when people are unable to find work and do need support. Similarly, there are people that have never worked a day in their lives, and never intend to. I seriously believe that you can not afford to support a child by yourself then you should not be allowed to have one. I know that goes against all the human rights namby pamby rubbish that we are forcefed on a regular basis, but frankly, I do not care. I can’t imagine ever not encouraging my son to be the best that he can be, which I imagine can not happen in a lot of these households. Children having babies at the ripe old age of 14/15 is a far too common occurrence in this country, and having had a child when I was a teenager myself, I feel that I am equipped to speak on this subject. Whilst there may be children that at that age are more emotionally able to raise a child, I would put money on the fact that the majority are not. I know I wasn’t. There are still times when I think I am not. The one thing that sets me apart from a lot of these people is that I work. I always have. I have not always wanted to, but I knew that I had to provide for my son, that I wanted to live in a nice area, that I wanted to be proud of myself, and that if I had taken the easy route of state handouts, I would not be, in fact, I would be downright ashamed of myself. I know I am not the only person that’s annoyed with these lazy bastards, in fact, I should think that most working, tax paying citizens are annoyed. Why are the government not doing something to stop this scourge?! Make people work for benefits, community service etc, it would certainly separate the wheat from the chaff, most genuine claimants would more than likely not mind this, as they are already in the work mindset, and surely also, would help people’s moral if they were made redundant, having a sense of purpose, whilst job hunting. Any political party wanting my vote really has to make a stand against these disgraceful people. Things come to easily to those that are least deserving, and it's about time that changed. We, the worker of 'Great' Britain, should be rewarded, if for reasons beyond our control, we are no longer working, then yes, we should be entitled to help, but those who have never contributed to the system? Fuck off. It's akin to theft. Get off your lazy arse, get out there, get a job and make your children proud, give them something to aspire to, and if not, at least stop shagging, keep your legs closed and make your contribution that way. I could go off on a tangent now, about the 'justice system, but I think I'll save that rant for another day.

Monday 26 September 2011

Michael Fish & his gang of merry liars...

Firstly, I am on adverts, again, but, someone please explain to me what the fucking fuck the Toyota adverts are all about?? 'Got a machine that makes pasta' Fuck off. Just fuck off. Cars don't make pasta you complete cockend. Cars don't have anything to do with pasta. It's so ridiculous, and ultimately, extremely annoying.

Anyway, this Indian summer is a bit of alright isn't it..... erm, yeah, it's just like any other September. Fucking miserable. We all know what Septembers are like, it's not the first one we have lived through, so why do people keep going on about the bastard weather!? Nothing else to talk about? Talk about the weather. No, nothing else to talk about? Keep it shut. How can Indian Summer be a trending topic on twitter? Do people really have so little going on in their lives? I personally think that the weather presenters all have little get-togethers where they decide to play tricks on us, knowing that September is a really rubbishy month, decided it would be hilarious to whip us all up into a frenzy by promising sun and warmth. Fuck reading/watching/listening to the weather, I find, looking out the window or venturing outside to be the best method of finding out whats going on out there.

Did we all watch X Factor this weekend? Don't you think that Kitty girl just needs to fuck off? I am pretty certain I saw A LOT of her vajayjay last night, more than once. It's quite sad really, that she thinks the only way she can get noticed is to dress like a slapper and flash her fandola. She's quite clearly another Katie Weasel, and we all hated her, don't these people watch the previous shows and learn?? As for that Goldie one? I have no words, just proves my suspicions of Louis Walsh are correct, he is a complete cocknocker, and is also tone deaf. That said, I will still be watching every week, because I love a circus.

Lastly, just because I am watching Corrie, Leanne Barlow has a mouth like a cats bum preserved in vinegar, and Rosie Webster a model? Fuck off. To coin Zoolander, a model idiot.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my Fuckery....

because I have been to bloody busy to write anything! Apologies fuckfans, but I am back with you now. Hurrah hurrah!

Well I am a bit late with this, but how bloody boring was Downton Abbey??? I was disappointed, it could have easily been fit into an hour. The only saving grace, was Dame Maggie Smith and her fab one-liners. For that reason, I will be watching again, but if Rob James Collier doesn't get his kit off soon, I will be really upset! At the very least he needs more airtime. A lot more airtime. When they killed off his character in Corrie, I was devastated... less said about my Corrie obsession the better. Moving swiftly on.....

Can anyone explain 'fun fur' to me?? There is nothing fun about it, it looks shite. I got an email fro ASOS the other day, look at the bloody state of it! If I wanted to look like a twat, I'd just write TWAT on my head and be done with it.

I am laughing at that photo, its ludicrous, she looks stupid. If I see anyone wearing these fun fur armwarmers, I will laugh in their face. Eejits.

My last little rant is about the DVLA. Have you ever tried to contact them by phone? I do not recommend it. Talk about frustrating. No less than 4 minutes 19 seconds of options before I could actually speak to someone, and that was my second attempt. Total fuckery. Have people not come to the realisation yet that these automated pick an option robots serve one purpose and one purpose only - to wind people up. Fair enough to pick the department you need, but to press 1 if a document is with you, 2 if it is not!? Bloody hell, if your phone operators cant ask that then they really need to be in another job.

I was going to write a bit about Beverley Callard and her pals getting thier kit off in protest at ageism in TV, but I just can't find the words. Utter Fuckery.

Monday 19 September 2011

Filled with fuckery...

Downton Abbey - boring

ASOS - 'fun fur' accessories

the phrase 'fun fur'

Old gits in the DM stripping off.

Dale Farm

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Fashion Fuckery, Jacko, and a Slanket

Hello fuckery fans... yes I am talking to myself.. really need to do something about that... anyway.. first up, strapless dresses.. more specifically, strapless dresses strategically hanging from nipples.. It's a trend that I just do not understand, whether on overinflated funbags, or totally deflated a la Ms. Moss, it just looks awful. Hoik those dresses up to where they belong, and you will look a damn sight better. Perhaps don't drag yourself through a bush backwards too Kate, every little helps.

Whilst on the subject of 'fashion', Hilary Alexander, Fashion Director at the Telegraph was spotted at LFW looking like a fucking hobo, in cheetah print baseball boots. I'll be damned if someone who wears shoes likes that is going to influence what I wear. Fucking bag lady.

Jermaine Jackson has been doing the rounds again, trying to vilify Michael and telling us not to listen to any of the nasty things that will be said about him in the coming weeks. Anyone that can name thier child 'Jermasjesty' is a complete and utter fucknut, and as such, should not be listened to. What a complete bunch of loons that family are. I do hope that now they aren't being forced to wear masks and dangled from balconies, his children have a somewhat more normal upbringing. Jermajesty, I mean really! I don't think I will ever get over that one!

Lastly, I am bloody bastard freezing. I am actually shivering. I refuse to put the heating on though, in fact, I am going to attempt to get through the winter without it. There is no way I am paying 18% more than last year just so those robbing bastards at British Gas can swell the coffers even further. How they can justify increasing prices when they are making such huge profits is beyond me, its not as if they are a small independant and are struggling to make ends meet. It's completely ridiculous. To help in this endeavour, I shall be investing in a slanket! Oh yes, I am really going to rock the OAP look this winter, and as long as it means I am not giving BG my hard earned cash, I will be happy.

For those of you that aren't familiar, that ↑↑ is a slanket, does it not just look so cosy and inviting?!? Get involved.



Tuesday 13 September 2011

Tuesday Fuckery... Amy Childs & Harvester

Firstly, lets kick off with the most ludicrous thing I have read today...


Fuck off, fuck off, fuck OFF! I see by the accompanying pictures that she was a brave little soldier and managed to get her kit off. Nothing at all to do with the no doubt ridiculous sum of money being offered. I'd like to say well done to the photographer, her nerves don't come across in the photos at all. Unfortunately, he along with anyone else thats ever taken a picture of her, has failed to make her look anything less than dead behind the eyes. That, I suspect, is because she is. Mind you, she isn't paid to think is she. Without going off on some feministic rant, I just hate to think that this is what children are looking up to and aspiring to be.

Moving swiftly on, I missed something out of my little advertising rant t'other day! Silly me!!

Dear Advertising Execs at Harvester,

What the actual fucking fuckity fuck is a 'Comma piri chicken' or a 'Comma garlic sauce' 'Hold the corn on the cob - OK!'

If you could please let me know, it will stop me from wondering. Which would be nice.

Love me.


I suspect that she is actually meant to be saying 'combo' which leads me to believe that aforementioned advertising tossers are deaf, as she is blatantly saying comma. Comma fucking chicken, its just stupid.

Do let me know your most hated adverts! (That's assuming anyone is reading) I would be reassured to know I am not alone in this angst...


Saturday 10 September 2011

Sunday Fuckery....

Adverts.. love them or loath them, and I mainly choose the latter, they are everywhere.

Lets start with the latest Haribo advert... Oh so smooth, love them soft, squidgy, squidgy baby' Sorry, is this an advert for sweets or for tits?? It's a prime example of fuckery. Their previous offering was just as bad 'sign the fession!' The only thing I'd sign if you were my child is the adoption papers.

I think the most annoying thing though, and the real reason I would love to slap an advertising exec, is their ability to stick this shit into my head, not only imprint it to my brain, but make me repeat it. Over, and over, and over. What did I ever do to you??? Bastards.

Second fuckery - miserable shop assistants. If you don't like people, don't work in a fucking shop. If you hate your job, don't take it out on me, you utter dipshit. Why stand there scowling at me because I dare to purchase an item in your shop. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt the very important task of you staring into space.

Managers of retail consortium's also need to have a severe word with themselves. Why make your staff ask such ridiculous questions??? Of course I want a bag, I am not going to balance my weeks shopping on my bloody head! If I don't produce my own bag the moment the item is scanned, use your initiative and just hand me a sodding bag! Do I want an aero for £1?? Of course I don't! Look at the size of my arse! We both know, no good can come from me buying your stupid bar of chocolate. Would I like any stamps or top ups? Of course fucking not! If I did, I would have asked!!! I tell you, it's just Fuckery!

Friday 9 September 2011

Friday Fuckery

Why, in a tub of M&S olives, are 50% of them always rank? More importantly, knowing this, why do I continue to purchase them?

Why, when I am dressed for Autumn, does it now feel practically tropical? I now glow. Not in that dewy, sexy shimmery way, but in that 'I'm too fucking hot and I can't take of my cardigan' way.

Why can marketeers not stop making my life hell? I really do not want to discuss the emotional attachment you form with a piece of chocolate shaped like a demonic bunny. In fact, if you try that line of discussion with me again, I will have no choice but to tell you what a fuckwit you really are.

And last, but by no means least....

Why, and this is a big why, do some people insist on adopting babyish tones when talking about cuddly toys? Are these the same people that adorn the parcel shelves of thier cars with them? Fair enough if you have children, I suppose. However, I suspect that these people, do not have children, and are essentially just MASSIVE twats.


Thursday 8 September 2011

Utter Fuckery that is... Celebrity Big Brother

Well, who saw that coming? Jedward 3rd??? Really?? The show would have been a flop without them... I say that based on nothing, I haven't even been watching the main show. I've been watching CCBOTS, mainly because someone I had a massive crush on as a teenager has been co-presenting. Back on topic, Kerry Katona? Second? Who votes for this stuff?? She is hideous, and I don't mean in terms of appearance. The persona that she depicts is not endearing to me, not at all. She is gobby, she gurns, she is rude. She claims she went on CBB to make her children proud?? Try getting a regular job, not one that takes you away from them for 3 week so you can boost your flagging popularity. I am just at odds with everything she says. In my opinion, surely what those 4 children need is stability and normality, a regular routine, where at least their mother has a constant presence in their lives. I think, if she really wanted to make them happy, she'd give up these dreams of a celeb life, after all, she has no discernible talent, if she has, its been well hidden.