Welcome, welcome, and thrice, welcome, to Utter Fuckery. I don't suppose much more explanation is needed. This is a blog, of things which I believe, fall into the category of utter fuckery.

They may be things related to my life, popular culture, politics, and on and on, and ariston.

Things you should know - I am prone to swearing, if you didn't get that from the blog title, I despair, and actively discourage you from reading any further.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Welfare State Fuckery and looking like a twat... again.

I started writing this particular post about 5 days ago.. distractions of a social life, a broken laptop, and the fact that I know as I am writing I am ranting uncontrollably have hindered me somewhat. Broken laptop, haha, there's some fuckery if ever there was. One night last week, my laptop announced with a crackle and pop that it no longer wanted to play, and died. I switched it back on, the same thing happened. Went for a 3rd attempt, same result. I didn't want to break her any further, so I placed her in a soft warm dry place to keep her safe until I could go and see the man in the know. Yesterday was that day. Took the laptop in, explained the story, with slight colouration of the cheeks, as this chap already has another one of my laptops, which he is trying to source a replacement keyboard for (how was I to know she wouldn't enjoy being doused in wine as much as I do!?!) So without further ado, he opens her up, switches her on, and we wait..... and we wait..... so what exactly seems to be the problem?? She works!!! It's like the second coming of Christ! For me anyway! Of course, now I look like a complete and utter fucknut in a shop full of people, taking something in for repair which clearly works! One day, I will get through a full 24 hours without making a twat of myself.

So Ed Miliband spoke to the nation this week, told us that Britain was ‘rewarding the wrong people with the wrong values’. In a nutshell, yes, and who started this fuckery? That’s right, Ed’s band of merry men, admittedly they were following a different piper at the time. I really dislike the Britain that we live in today, it makes me really sad to see so many children growing up with the same mentalities that their parents have instilled into them. There are far too many families in this country sponging off the state, soaking up our taxes, and for what? A flatscreen TV and endless re-runs of Jeremy Kyle? Yes, you dole bludgers, I am angry with you, and angry with whoever made you think that its acceptable to just do nothing with your life other than pop out children like a fucking machine gun. I do appreciate that benefits are in a lot of cases, necessary, and that there are genuinely times when people are unable to find work and do need support. Similarly, there are people that have never worked a day in their lives, and never intend to. I seriously believe that you can not afford to support a child by yourself then you should not be allowed to have one. I know that goes against all the human rights namby pamby rubbish that we are forcefed on a regular basis, but frankly, I do not care. I can’t imagine ever not encouraging my son to be the best that he can be, which I imagine can not happen in a lot of these households. Children having babies at the ripe old age of 14/15 is a far too common occurrence in this country, and having had a child when I was a teenager myself, I feel that I am equipped to speak on this subject. Whilst there may be children that at that age are more emotionally able to raise a child, I would put money on the fact that the majority are not. I know I wasn’t. There are still times when I think I am not. The one thing that sets me apart from a lot of these people is that I work. I always have. I have not always wanted to, but I knew that I had to provide for my son, that I wanted to live in a nice area, that I wanted to be proud of myself, and that if I had taken the easy route of state handouts, I would not be, in fact, I would be downright ashamed of myself. I know I am not the only person that’s annoyed with these lazy bastards, in fact, I should think that most working, tax paying citizens are annoyed. Why are the government not doing something to stop this scourge?! Make people work for benefits, community service etc, it would certainly separate the wheat from the chaff, most genuine claimants would more than likely not mind this, as they are already in the work mindset, and surely also, would help people’s moral if they were made redundant, having a sense of purpose, whilst job hunting. Any political party wanting my vote really has to make a stand against these disgraceful people. Things come to easily to those that are least deserving, and it's about time that changed. We, the worker of 'Great' Britain, should be rewarded, if for reasons beyond our control, we are no longer working, then yes, we should be entitled to help, but those who have never contributed to the system? Fuck off. It's akin to theft. Get off your lazy arse, get out there, get a job and make your children proud, give them something to aspire to, and if not, at least stop shagging, keep your legs closed and make your contribution that way. I could go off on a tangent now, about the 'justice system, but I think I'll save that rant for another day.


  1. I whole heartedly agree with your rants the benefits system benefits too many lazy bastards who know how to work it,to the detriment of genuine claimants .

  2. As for the laptop incident that was just hilarious
