Welcome, welcome, and thrice, welcome, to Utter Fuckery. I don't suppose much more explanation is needed. This is a blog, of things which I believe, fall into the category of utter fuckery.

They may be things related to my life, popular culture, politics, and on and on, and ariston.

Things you should know - I am prone to swearing, if you didn't get that from the blog title, I despair, and actively discourage you from reading any further.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Internet Dating - a whole new world of fuckery...

Recently, I decided to take a wander into the world of internet dating.  I've been there before, and it was so good that it made an entry into Crap Dates (available in all good bookshops).  I know friends that have done it, and found boyfriends, and husbands.  With nothing to lose, I decided to sign up to a free site.  I was registered for just over two weeks, and can hand on heart say, it is not for me, and I shan't be doing it again.  I have never had so many short conversations in such a short space of time, with so many different people.  I was receiving up to 50 messages a day, which provided a great deal of entertainment at work!  Some regular, some quite blatantly cut and pasted to everyone, and some downright rude.  I realised that there are a lot of single angry people out there.  I lost count of the number of profiles that I read where all people did was list what they were not looking for, and talk about how fucked up women are.  I have been assured by the few seemingly sane men that I spoke to, that most women's profiles were the same.  How can you possibly hope to attract someone by being so negative from the start?  I really could talk about it all day long, it's just a minefield of fuckery, fuckery that I just can't my head around.  A friend and I came up with a theory a few years ago, that if you reached your late 20's without ever being in a serious relationship, then you were flawed, however, if you had been, and came out the other side, you were damaged goods, and I hate to admit it, but from those 2 weeks, I'd say we got it spot on.  I'm at a point in my life where I would like to meet someone, and dare I say it, even settle down,  but I don't think, for me, that the internet is the place to find it...  

Having a go at someone because they don't put 'x' on the end of a message?  Completely rational of course, I was a little disappointed in this one, up until he said he was a gypsy he seemed relatively normal.  

I'm not sure that a waxwork of MC Harvey exists, but if it does, this is it.  There is no way that this is a photo of a real person. 

 I'm just an everyday guy, that doesn't want you to see my face... No, I am sure there is no predatory reason behind that at all. 

 Traditional 'having a conversation with yourself' syndrome here. I know, I really missed out on this one.  I don't even think I was online when these messages were sent. 

Self explanatory - I only wish you could see the accompanying photograph, the man had sexual assault written through him like a stick of rock. 

Back to the drawing board....