Welcome, welcome, and thrice, welcome, to Utter Fuckery. I don't suppose much more explanation is needed. This is a blog, of things which I believe, fall into the category of utter fuckery.

They may be things related to my life, popular culture, politics, and on and on, and ariston.

Things you should know - I am prone to swearing, if you didn't get that from the blog title, I despair, and actively discourage you from reading any further.

Monday 11 February 2013

Dear Facebook....

Social networks are brilliant.  You can catch up with people without having to actually talk to them, and keep up with current affairs with minimal effort.  You can also get annoyed.  Incredibly annoyed.  There are many social media trends which wind me up to f*ck, and I am going to share my top 5 with you.  I know what you'll be thinking, just leave Facebook/Twitter, but, for all its foibles, it's useful, and where else am I going to share picture of my cats! 

This list is not exhaustive, and in no particular order.  If you do any of these things, don't be offended, be smug in the knowledge that each time you do them, you are pissing me off, and that really, I'm the one with the issue. 

Food pictures.  Unless it looks mouthwatering, and as though created by Michel Roux Jr, then you're just showing yourself up.  Stop it.  Same applies for cups of tea/coffee. Seriously, they all look the same, and though I have been guilty of this one myself on more than one occasion, glasses of wine.  Just bore off with that.  Taking pictures of gin in a tin is a different matter entirely.  Classy people drink cocktails in a can, and this is something which should be celebrated. 

Girls 'marrying' each other on Facebook, and referring to each other as 'Wifey'.  What are you?  12?  The only statement that this makes, is that you're a bit of a dick. 

Talking about how 'perfect' your life is.  Look, secretly, we all want people to think we've got our shit together, and that we all lead perfect lives.  That simply isn't true though.  If life was that great, you'd be living it, not vicariously sharing it with anyone who will listen. 

Which leads me nicely to 'I love my iccle wiccle family/husband/pet goat.  We get it ok, and frankly, no-one really cares.  Start going through some marital strife, and sharing it, then we'll pay attention. Got to love a good episode of Facebook-enders. 

Ambiguous statuses followed by 'I can't talk about it on here'.  Well don't then! You absolute Geoffrey. 

And lastly, these breast cancer emails.  Tell me what colour knickers you are wearing and then we can both feel good about ourselves for promoting breast cancer?  Someone please explain to me, by using fruit as an analogy for your relationship status, how are you raising awareness of breast cancer?  You are only raising awareness that you are a bit of a plum. 

Please do share with me what irritates you, unless of course it's people blogging about what annoys them on social networks.